Victorian Turkish baths directory

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Victorian Turkish Baths: their origin, development, and gradual decline
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C. Some Victorian Turkish baths abroad


Australia, arranged by state or territory

You are here     B: arranged by city/town

Bligh Street, Sydney, after refurbishmentThis table lists some of the Victorian-style Turkish baths in Australia, arranged by state or territory.

An additional establishment in this country is included in the separate table listing Turkish baths which are part of other establishments, together with Turkish baths designed for use by Animals.

Known opening and closing dates are indicated in the table. All articles include a chronology, though these do not appear in the version of the site without frames.

Dates in blue  are accurate openings or closures to the best of our current knowledge;

Dates in maroon  are first or last sightings;

Plus or minus signs  indicate 'and later' or 'and earlier'.

When one or both of the icons on the left of the table appear in red, this indicates that there is an article, notes, chronology, or stand-alone captioned image relating to the establishment. Clicking on the left hand icon []] takes you to that establishment's page on the site; clicking on the right hand icon  [] takes you to any available no-frames version. A right hand icon  [] on its own takes you to a relevant captioned image page.

If you have access to local newspapers and can add, amend, or correct any dates, please do contact us.

Table last revised: 02 March 2025
New South Wales 
[]] [] BLUE MOUNTAINS CITY: Kings Theatre Turkish Baths 1920s
[]] [] BONDI: Queen Elizabeth Drive: Bondi Surf Pavilion: Turkish Baths 1929—1977
[]] [] MOUNT WILSON: Richard Wynne's Turkish bath
   Article on these baths by Mary Reynolds
[]] [] NEWCASTLE: Hamilton Road: Turkish Baths (Proprietor: F W Reay)
   Image above
[]] [] PORT MACQUARIE: Turkish Baths 1870—        
[]] [] SYDNEY: Bligh Street (27): Turkish Baths 1861—1921
[]] [] SYDNEY: Castlereagh Street / Martin Place: Australia Hotel Turkish
[]] [] SYDNEY: Reservoir Street: Dobson's Turkish Baths 1911,  1952
[]] [] SYDNEY: Elizabeth Street (159): Hall's Turkish Baths for men & women    1905—1908+
[]] [] SYDNEY: Elizabeth Street (183): Ladies Turkish Baths           —1921
[]] [] SYDNEY: Liverpool Street: Turkish Baths 1923
[]] [] SYDNEY: Liverpool Street (150): Ultra Modern Turkish Baths (Propr:
   Arthur Thomas)
[]] [] SYDNEY: Oxford Street: Wigzell's Hairdressers and Turkish Baths 1883—        
[]] [] SYDNEY: Pitt Street (158): J Stuart's Turkish and Russian Baths 1865,  1875
[]] [] SYDNEY: Pitt Street (202-4): Savoy Turkish Baths [Co Ltd] 1928—1930
[]] [] SYDNEY: Spring Street (15)
   First Victorian Turkish bath in Australia, opened by John Le Gay
[]] [] TEMORA: Turkish Baths 1880
[]] [] BRISBANE: Albert Street (154): Hall's Turkish Baths
   Next to White's Hotel. Proprietors included E Letham and Samuel
[]] [] BRISBANE: Albert Street: Halliday's Turkish Baths
   Next to The Australian Hotel
[]] [] BRISBANE: Ann Street, H Barltrop's Excelsior Turkish & Cold Baths 1881
[]] [] BRISBANE: Perry Street, Petrie's Bight: H Barltrop's Excelsior Baths 1889—1896
[]] [] BRISBANE: Skinner Street, West End: Turkish Baths 1889,  1894
[]] [] ROCKHAMPTON: Duster's Turkish Baths 1877,  1878
[]] [] SURFERS PARADISE: Ferny Ave (17) Taylor's Turkish Baths 19??
[]] [] TOWNSVILLE: Denham Street: Turkish Baths (Propr: F Shaw) 1892,  1893
[]] [] TOWNSVILLE: Strand: Corporation Turkish Baths (Lessee: W Treeve) 1894,  1895
South Australia 
[]] [] ADELAIDE: Adelaide Arcade (Little Collins Street end) 1885—1969
[]] [] ADELAIDE: Grenfell Street: Osbaldiston's Turkish Baths 1867 only
[]] [] ADELAIDE: King William Road: City Baths
   Turkish baths were added five years after the baths' 1863 opening
[]] [] ADELAIDE: Hindmarsh Turkish baths 1897
[]] [] MAITLAND: Turkish baths 1872,  1873
[]] [] CAMPBELLTOWN: Campbelltown Benevolent Hospital Turkish Baths   1860s
[]] [] HOBART: Harrington Street: Hobart Turkish Baths
[]] [] LAUNCESTON: Charles Street: Edward Ackerman's Turkish Baths 1863—1893
[]] [] LAUNCESTON: Paterson Street: Queen Victoria Swimming & Turkish
[]] [] LAUNCESTON: Upper Elizabeth Street 1862—        
[]] [] BALLARAT: Armstrong Street: Turkish baths 1863—1867
[]] [] GEELONG: Great Ryrie Street: Turkish Baths (Manager: Mr Jones) 1871—        
[]] [] HAWKESDALE: 'Dunmore': private Turkish bathhouse 1866—        
[]] [] MELBOURNE: Bourke Street E (24): James Hosie's Turkish Bathing
   Palace and Bar
   Opened by the Governor, Sir George Bowen, 23 October
[]] [] MELBOURNE: Chapel Street (282-4): Prahran Arcade: Tolley's Turkish
   Opened on 31 July
[]] [] MELBOURNE: Elizabeth Street: Nick Spartels' Turkish Baths 1920s,  1970s
[]] [] MELBOURNE: George Parade West: Oasis Turkish Baths
[]] [] MELBOURNE: Little Collins Street (360): Bjelke-Petersen Turkish
   Institute Baths
[]] [] MELBOURNE: Lonsdale Street: Fullalove's Turkish Baths 1867—1926
[]] [] MELBOURNE: Lonsdale Street: Oriental Baths 1860—1866
[]] [] MELBOURNE: Royal Arcade, Bourke Street: Turkish Baths
   Operated, at various times, by Pietriche, Hosie, and members of the
   Lucas family
[]] [] MELBOURNE: Russell Street (127) : Burton's Turkish Baths 1871,  1875
[]] [] MELBOURNE: Swanston Street (420): City Baths 1904—1983
Western Australia
[]] [] COOLGARDIE: Turkish Baths
   Designed by the distinguished architect, Edwin Summerhayes
[]] [] PERTH: Bazaar Terrace: Oxone Hotel and Turkish Baths 189?
[]] [] PERTH: Murray Street (132): Lovering's Turkish Baths 1901—1926
[]] [] PERTH: Pier Street (11): Max Wilson's Turkish Baths 1904,  1926
[]] [] PERTH: Pier Street (29): Smedley’s Hydropathic and Russo-Turkish
[]] [] PERTH: St George's Baths, including Turko-Russian Baths 1897
Thank you icon

Susan Aykut, for much of the information about Turkish baths in Australia
Adam Ford, for help with James Hosie
Mary Reynolds, Secretary, Mount Wilson Historical Society


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Victorian Turkish Baths: their origin, development, and gradual decline

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