Victorian Turkish baths directory

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Victorian Turkish Baths: their origin, development, and gradual decline
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A. Victorian Turkish baths in the British Isles


IV. London

Jermyn Street Hammam cooling-room, pre 1920sThis table lists all known Turkish baths open to the public, arranged alphabetically by place.

Additional establishments in this country are included in separate tables listing Turkish baths which are part of other establishments, ie, in Asylums, Clubs, Hospitals, Houses by location or owner, and Hydros, together with Turkish baths designed for use by Animals.

Known opening and closing dates are indicated in the table. All articles include a chronology, though these do not appear in the version of the site without frames.

Dates in blue  are accurate openings or closures to the best of our current knowledge;

Dates in maroon  are first or last sightings;

Plus or minus signs  indicate 'and later' or 'and earlier'.

When one or both of the icons on the left of the table appear in red, this indicates that there is an article, notes, chronology, or stand-alone captioned image relating to the establishment. Clicking on the left hand icon []] takes you to that establishment's page on the site; clicking on the right hand icon  [] takes you to any available no-frames version. A right hand icon  [] on its own takes you to a relevant captioned image page.

If you have access to local newspapers and can add, amend, or correct any dates, please do contact us.

Table last revised: 31 January 2025
[]] [] Alfred Place (Alexander Square), South Kensington 1861—1887
[]] [] All Saints Road (11), Notting Hill 1895—1897
[]] [] Argyll Place (10a) (Argyle Street), Regent Street 1861—1902
[]] [] Ashwin Street, Dalston 1880—1890
[]] [] Baker Street (20) 1861—1864
[]] [] Basinghall Street 1883—1938
[]] [] Bell Street (5), Edgware Road
   The first Turkish bath open to the public in London
    Bishopsgate Church Passage / Bishopsgate Churchyard
   See: New Broad Street
[]] [] Blackfriars Road (191) 1868—1886
[]] [] Blackheath Road (44), Greenwich 1880
[]] [] Bridge Road (1), Adelaide Road 1877—1881
[]] [] Brixton Road (461) / Electric Lane    1892—1921+
    Broad Street House
   See: New Broad Street
[]] [] Buckingham Palace Road (119) 1873—1892
[]] [] Caledonian Road (9) 1870—1921
[]] [] Camberwell Green (6) 1863—1864
[]] [] Camberwell Green (40) 1884—1911
[]] [] Cambridge Terrace (2) (off Edgware Road) 1861,  1863
[]] [] Cannon Street Road (79), St George's in the East 1865—1869
[]] [] Canterbury Row / Kennington Lane 1860—1873
[]] [] Chancery Lane (120) 1861—1863
[]] [] Chapel Place (3), Cavendish Square 1860s—1870 
[]] [] Cheapside (136) 1890—1896
    Church Passage
   See: New Broad Street
[]] [] Church Street (16-29) (now Gaskin Street), Islington 1873—1917
[]] [] Churton Street (26), Pimlico 1893—1905
[]] [] City Road ( 79) 1865—1866
[]] [] City Road (275)
   Destroyed in The Blitz
[]] [] City Road (285) 1861—1862
[]] [] Coldbath Street (25) 1881
[]] [] Commercial Road East ( 7), Whitechapel
   Destroyed in The Blitz
[]] [] Commercial Road East (727), Whitechapel    1878—1885+
[]] [] Conduit Place 1861
[]] [] Denman Street —1921
[]] [] Duke of York Street (York Street) (12) 1908—1958
[]] [] Earls Court Gardens 1881—1941
[]] [] East India Dock Road, Poplar 1934—1988
[]] [] Euston Road (182 & 184) 1861—1908
[]] [] Exmouth Street (2) / Commercial Road 1861—1869
[]] [] Fenchurch Street Railway Station
   Turkish bath not yet confirmed
[]] [] Fleet Street (68) 1884—1889
[]] [] Fore Street (50) 1890
[]] [] Golden Square (32) / Upper John Street (1) 1860—1865
[]] [] Golden Lane (100-106) (City of London Baths) 1866, 1867
[]] [] Goswell Road (17) 1860—1861
[]] [] Goswell Road (282) 1861—1938
[]] [] Grange Road, Bermondsey 1927—1973
[]] [] Great Marlborough Street (Green's Turkish baths) -1878—1883+
[]] [] Great Marlborough Street (3) (Dr Culverwell's Turkish baths) 1867
[]] [] Great Russell Street 1861
[]] [] Greville Street (21) 1861,  1862
[]] [] Harrow Road 1879—1963
[]] [] Hart Street (42), Bloomsbury 1878
[]] [] High Holborn ( 80)
[]] [] Ironmonger Row (1-11), Islington   1938—OPEN
[]] [] Jermyn Street (76)
   Image above, early 1930s
   Destroyed in The Blitz
[]] [] Jermyn Street (92) 1908—1975
[]] [] Kensington High Street( 48½) 1882—1889
[]] [] Kensington High Street(120) 1911—1920
[]] [] Kentish Town Road / Camden High Street 1878—1916
[]] [] Kings Road (111) 1862—1866
[]] []
Leicester Square (23) 1868—1930
[]] [] Lewisham High Street (261) 1965—2002
[]] [] Leyton Road
   See: Lovett Road
[]] [] Lombard Court (6)    1926—1927+
[]] [] London Bridge 1870—1961
[]] [] Longton Grove, West Hill, Sydenham 1879
[]] [] Lovett Road, Newtown, Stratford East 1860—1893
[]] [] Ludgate Hill 1882—1893
[]] [] Manor Road (later Street), Chelsea 1904—1977
[]] [] Marylebone Road (55) 1865—1871
[]] [] Mile End Road 1932—1981
[]] [] New Broad Street / Bishopsgate Churchyard / Church Passage 1860—1954
[]] [] Newgate Street (50) / Panyer Alley (4-5) 1878—1907
[]] [] Newington Butts (98) 1870—1895
[]] [] Newington Causeway (102 & 104)
   Destroyed in The Blitz
[]] [] Newton Road (16), Belmont Cottage 1860—1864
[]] [] Northumberland Ave (25) 1884—1948
[]] [] Northumberland Passage (now Craven Passage) 1884—1947
[]] [] Ockenden Road (7) 1861—1863
[]] [] Old Ford Road, Bethnal Green   1926—OPEN
[]] [] Old Kent Road / Marlborough Road, Camberwell
   Destroyed in The Blitz
[]] [] Osnaburgh Street (8), Regent's Park, Turkish Bath for Ladies 1883,  1884
[]] [] Palace Street (18), Pimlico 1860—1863
  Panyer Alley (4-5)
   See: Newgate Street (50)
[]] [] Park Lane, Dorchester Hotel 1930—1984
[]] [] Park Lane, Grosvenor House 1929—
[]] [] Pentonville Road (83) 1875—1905
[]] [] Petty France: Queen Anne's Mansions 1894,  1895
[]] [] Plumstead High Street, Woolwich 1927—1970+
[]] [] Portland Terrace, Workmen's Hall, Notting Hill 1861—1863
[]] [] Putney Bridge Road 1886—1914
[]] [] Queen Square (20), Imperial Hotel Women's Turkish baths 1914—1962
[]] [] Queen Square (26) 1861—1865
[]] [] Queen's Terrace (10), St John's Wood 1862
[]] [] Queensway, W2    1929—OPEN
[]] [] Railway Approach, London Bridge 1871—1921
[]] [] Romford Road (189) 1934
[]] [] Russell Square (66), Imperial Hotel 1913—1966
[]] [] Savoy Hill, Lancaster House, The Strand 1885—1921
[]] [] Sloane Street (155) 1864—1894
[]] [] Somerset Street (42) 1860—1873
[]] [] South Street (5), Finsbury Square 1861—1864
[]] [] St John's Square (19) 1861,  1862
[]] [] St Martins-le-Grand 1861—1866
[]] [] Strand (105) 1896—1899
[]] [] Strand (335c) 1861—1877
[]] [] Stroud Green Road 1882
[]] [] Sussex Street (16) 1861
[]] [] The Grove (105), Stratford East 1890—1894
[]] [] Trafalgar Road, Greenwich 1959—1988
[]] [] Victoria Street (2) 1862—1865
[]] [] Victoria Street, Windsor Hotel (late Army and Blue Hotel)   1885—1890+
[]] [] Wellington Place (3), St John's Wood 1863
[]] [] Wellington Street (71), Woolwich 1876—1897
[]] [] Westmoreland Street, Marylebone 1860,  1862
[]] [] Whitechapel High Street, Gardiner's Corner
   Destroyed in The Blitz
[]] [] Wimbledon Theatre, The Broadway 1910—1938
[]] [] York Terrace (54), Regent's Park 1865—1916


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Victorian Turkish Baths: their origin, development, and gradual decline

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