Victorian Turkish baths directory

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Victorian Turkish Baths: their origin, development, and gradual decline
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C. Some Victorian Turkish baths abroad


United States of America, arranged by city or town

A: arranged by state/district     You are here

Shepard's Sanitarium, Brooklyn, New YorkThis table lists some of the Victorian-style Turkish baths in the United States of America, arranged in order of city or town.

An additional establishment in this country is included in the separate table listing Turkish baths which are part of other establishments, together with Turkish baths designed for use by Animals.

Known opening and closing dates are indicated in the table. All articles include a chronology, though these do not appear in the version of the site without frames.

Dates in blue  are accurate openings or closures to the best of our current knowledge;

Dates in maroon  are first or last sightings;

Plus or minus signs  indicate 'and later' or 'and earlier'.

When one or both of the icons on the left of the table appear in red, this indicates that there is an article, notes, chronology, or stand-alone captioned image relating to the establishment. Clicking on the left hand icon []] takes you to that establishment's page on the site; clicking on the right hand icon  [] takes you to any available no-frames version. A right hand icon  [] on its own takes you to a relevant captioned image page.

If you have access to local newspapers and can add, amend, or correct any dates, please do contact us.

Table last revised: 13 February 2025
[]] [] Aberdeen, SD: South Main (513): S H Logan's Turkish Baths 1877, 1910s
[]] [] Aberdeen, SD: National Barber Shop Turkish Baths 1910s
[]] [] Aberdeen, WA: Heron Street: Turkish Baths 1915
[]] [] Albany, NY: State St (132) Benson's Turkish baths "The Tub" 1911, 1926
[]] [] Albany, NY: State St (163) Turkish baths Russian baths 1890
[]] [] Alton, IL: Mineral Springs Hotel Turkish Baths 1914—1960s
[]] [] Atchinson, KS: Baird Wilson's Turkish Baths 1879—1882+
[]] [] Atlanta, GA: Decatur St (10): Turkish Baths 1889
[]] [] Atlanta, GA: Kimball House: Dr Stainback's Hygienic Institute and
   Turkish Bath (Dr John Stainback Wilson)
[]] [] Atlantic City, NJ: Hygeia Baths 1919
[]] [] Atlantic City, NJ: President Hotel Turkish Baths 1934
[]] [] Austin, TX: 6th St / Congress Ave: Littlefield Building Turkish Baths 1916—
[]] [] Baltimore, MD: Howard St: Turkish Baths —1905
[]] [] Baltimore, MD: Madison Ave (2100): Turkish Baths and Gymnasium 1901—
[]] [] Baltimore, MD: James Kerman's Turkish Baths: New Auditorium
[]] [] Baltimore, MD: Calvert St / Fayette Street: Rowland's Turkish Baths 1892, 1920s
[]] [] Beatrice, NE: Turkish, Electro-medicated and Russian Baths 1887—
[]] [] Berkeley Springs, WV: Turkish Bath House 1887, 1910s
[]] [] Biloxi, MS: Buena Vista Hotel Turkish Baths 1930s
[]] [] Binghampton, NY: Main St (40½) Turkish baths 1920
[]] [] Bismarck, ND: 5th St / Main St: Hotel McKenzie Turkish Baths 1912—
[]] [] Bloomington, IL: Turkish and Electro-Thermal Bath Institute (Propr:
   Henry Conkling)
[]] [] Boise, ID: Warm Springs Avenue: The Natatorium Turkish Baths 1892—
[]] [] Boston, MA: Beacon St (17): Dr Browning's, Bellevue, Turkish Baths
   (Dis Lewis)
1876, 1930s
[]] [] Boston, MA: Carver St / Boylston St: Lundin Turkish Bath
   Separate men's and women's baths
[]] [] Boston, MA: Exeter St / Boylston St: Boston Athletic Association
[]] [] Boston, MA: Massachusetts Ave (337): Massachusetts Baths 1913
[]] [] Boston, MA: St Botolph St (42): Adolph & Lundin's Turkish Baths for women 1890s, 1928
[]] [] Boston, MA: St Botolph St / Garrison St: Allen Gym & Turkish Baths for
[]] [] Boston, MA: Tremont St (176):Tremont Turkish Baths for men (Adolph &
1880, 1914
[]] [] Boston, MA: Washington St (231): Turkish Baths (C Blodgett) 1869
[]] [] Boston, MA: Washington St (1427): Boston Turkish and Vapor Baths 1869, 1871
[]] [] Boston, MA: Essex Street: Dr Adam's Turkish Baths 1867—
[]] [] Bradford, NY: Corydon St: Enty's Turkish baths 1925
[]] [] Buffalo, NY: Delaware Avenue (207) BPOE HQ for Elks 1940s
[]] [] Buffalo, NY: E Mohawk St (40-44): Mohawk Baths: Turkish, Sulpher,
   Electric, Russian Baths
1890s, 1940
[]] [] Buffalo, NY: Ellicott St (74) : Nugent's Russian and Turkish baths 1902, 1909
[]] [] Buffalo, NY: Main St (663): Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute
   Turkish Baths
1878, 1894
[]] [] Buffalo, NY: Main St (850) : Nugent's Turkish baths for women 1909
[]] [] Buffalo, NY: Seneca St (527): The Hygienic Cure Turkish Baths (H P
[]] [] Buffalo, NY: Monument D S Morgan Building: Turkish Baths 1909—1965
[]] [] Burlington, IA: Sloth Hill: Turkish Baths 1877
[]] [] Cambridge, MA: Dunster St (21): Harvard Turkish Baths (John Todd) 1899
[]] [] Chicago, IL: Clark St / Indiana St: Grand Palace Hotel Turkish Baths 1891
[]] [] Chicago, IL: Halsted Street: Turkish Baths (James Patrick O'Leary) 1890s
[]] [] Chicago, IL: Madison Ave / Grand River Ave: Madison Hotel Turkish
[]] [] Chicago, IL: Michigan Blvd / 23rd St: Metropole Hotel Turkish Baths 1891
[]] [] Chicago, IL: North Michigan Ave (626): Chicago Women's Athletic
[]] [] Chicago, IL: Quincy St (14) New Northern Turkish Bath 1905, 1908
[]] [] Chicago, IL: South Kedzie Ave (1131-1139) Roosevelt Hotel Turkish
[]] [] Chicago, IL: Wabash Ave (169) Frank's Turkish Baths 1891
[]] [] Chicago, IL: Wabash Ave (324) Kercher Turkish Baths 1911, 1913
[]] [] Chicago, IL: Palmer House Turkish Baths 1880s, 1890s
[]] [] Chicago, IL: The Avenue Turkish Baths 1870—
[]] [] Chicago, IL: Wagner's Turkish Baths 1911
[]] [] Chicago, IL: West North Avenue (2039): Turkish Russian Baths
[]] [] Cincinnati, OH: Hotel Metropole Turkish Baths
[]] [] Cincinnati, OH: Clark Street (Hotel Munro Turkish Baths) 1880—1911
[]] [] Cleveland, OH: Athletic Club Turkish Baths 1917
[]] [] Cleveland, OH: Jung's Turkish Baths 1927, 1935
[]] [] Cleveland, OH: Kinsman Road (11409): Mt Pleasant Russian-
   Turkish Bath
[]] [] Collinsville, IL: Seminary St: Bischoff's Turkish Bath House 1909
[]] [] Colorado Springs, CO: Broadmoor Hotel Turkish Baths 1918—
[]] [] Columbus, OH: East Broad Street (112): U E Whiteis Turkish Baths (Men) 1912
[]] [] Columbus, OH: East Broad Street (150): U E Whiteis Turkish Baths
[]] [] Columbus, OH: Spring Street / High Street: Oriental Turkish Baths 1908
[]] [] Columbus, OH: Grant Hospital Turkish Baths 1910, 1914
[]] [] CONEY ISLAND, NY: Surf Avenue / W 19th Street: Raven-Hall Turkish Baths 1910
[]] [] Cordova, AK: Main St: Turkish Baths 1910
[]] [] Davenport, IA: W 3rd St (114): Turkish Baths 1878
[]] [] Davenport, IA: E 4th St (218): The New Kimball Turkish Bath Parlors 1910s
[]] [] Dayton, OH: YMCA Turkish Baths 1909—
[]] [] Deadwood, SD: Main St (628) Fairmont Hotel Turkish Baths 1898, 1907
[]] [] Deadwood, SD: Main St (633) Bullock Hotel Turkish Baths 1896—
[]] [] Denver, CO: 14th St (300): J M Case: Turkish Baths Institute 1874, 1875
[]] [] Denver, CO: 17th St (321): Brown Palace Hotel Turkish Baths 1892—
[]] [] Denver, CO: 18th St (1314) / Larimer: Windsor Hotel Turkish Baths 1880, 1915
[]] [] Denver, CO: Broadway (1754): W E Brown's Metropole Turkish Baths 1911, 1923
[]] [] Denver, CO: Glenarm (1543): A T Fisher's Albany / Glenarm Turkish Baths 1874, 1915
[]] [] Des Moines, IA: 7th St (418): Thompson's [Turkish] Baths and Massage
[]] [] Detroit, MS: 3rd St / Jefferson St: Wayne Mineral and Turkish Baths 1916
[]] [] Detroit, MS: Farrar St: Chiera's Turkish Baths 1899
[]] [] Detroit, MS: Gratiot Ave: Coots' Turkish Baths 1890
[]] [] Detroit, MS: Madison Street (241) Detroit Athletic Club Turkish Baths 1915—
[]] [] Detroit, MS: W Vernor Highway (1377): New Detroit Turkish Baths 1930s
[]] [] Detroit, MS: Woodward Avenue (274): Dr Stone's Turkish Baths 1876—1880
[]] [] Dubuque, IA: Turkish Baths 1878
[]] [] Duluth, MN: 5th Ave W / 1st St: Hotel McKay Turkish Baths 1899—1940+
[]] [] Duluth, MN: Kassmir's Turkish Bath Parlors 1903
[]] [] El Paso, TX: Bassett Tower: Bradley Barber Shop & Turkish Baths 1931
[]] [] El Paso, TX: E San Antonio St (410): Newton's Turkish Medicated
[]] [] Elmira, NY: East Hill: Elmira Water Cure Turkish Baths (Rachel
  Brooks Gleason)
[]] [] Elmira, NY: Lake St (167): Palace Turkish Baths (Peter Flynn) 1917
[]] [] Fargo, ND: Broadway (305-7): Dixon Building: Ladies' Turkish Bath 1905—
[]] [] Fort Dodge, IA: Central Ave/12th: Turkish Bath 1918, 1920s
[]] [] Fort Worth, TX: The National Turkish Bath
[]] [] Fremont, OH: Turkish Baths for ladies and gents 1916
[]] [] Fremont, OH: Wayne Hotel Turkish Baths c.1900
[]] [] Galeburg, IL: Union Hotel and Turkish Bath 1912
[]] [] Grand Rapids, MI: Fulton St / S Division St: Livingston Hotel Turkish
[]] [] Great Falls, MT: Park Hotel Turkish Baths c.1913—
[]] [] Hagerstown, MD: Turkish baths 1908
[]] [] Hancock, MI: Reservation (306)
[]] [] Harrisburg, PA: Turkish Baths (Albert E Smallwood) 1894, 1895
[]] [] Hartford, CO: Asylum Street (167-9): Hartford Turkish Bath 1910
[]] [] Hartford, CO: Temple Street (152): Hotel Liberty Turkish Baths
[]] [] Hartford, CO: Easton's Turkish Bath 1884
[]] [] Houston, TX: Bender Hotel 1920s—2004
[]] [] Huntington, WV: 4th Ave (940) Frederick Hotel Turkish Baths 1906—1973
[]] [] Hutchinson, KS: W 1st St (28) The F A Manda Salt Water Natatorium 1908—
[]] [] Indianopolis, IN: Columbia Club Turkish Baths 1925
[]] [] Indianopolis, IN: Imperial / Metropole / Roosevelt Hotel Turkish
1900, 1920+
[]] [] Jacksonville, FA: Windsor Hotel Turkish Bath and Treatment
[]] [] Jersey City, NJ: 4th St (164): Gordon Baths: Russian and Turkish 1930s
[]] [] Joplin, MS: Keystone Barber Shop and Turkish Bath 1912
[]] [] Junction City, KS: N Washington (608): Bartell House Hotel: Turkish
1909, 1913
[]] [] Juneau, AK: Front Street: Hillside Turkish baths 1915
[]] [] Juneau, AK: Juneau Sanitarium (Lying-in Hospital for Ladies) Turkish
[]] [] Juneau, AK: Treadwell Club 1912
[]] [] Kansas City, KS: New Coates House Hotel: Turkish Baths 1891—1978
[]] [] Key West, FA: Gato's VIllage: Dr Fraga's Turkish Baths c.1888
[]] [] Knoxville, TN: Gay St: Lovell's Electro-Turkish Bath -1915—1932+
[]] [] Knoxville, TN: Walnut St: Raymond Lovell's Sanatorium Turkish
[]] [] La Crosse, WI: Main St (204): Turkish Baths (J C Perkins, Propr) 1895
[]] [] La Crosse, WI: Main St (318-20): Linker Hotel, Barber Shop and
   Turkish Bath
[]] [] La Crosse, WI: Main St (328): Linker Brothers Turkish Baths Parlors 1900—1916
[]] [] La Crosse, WI: Main St (329): Linker Brothers Turkish Baths 1895
[]] [] La Crosse, WI: Main St (329): Turkish Baths (Weidner & Taggart), (W H
1900, 1905
[]] [] La Crosse, WI: N 3rd St (125): Turkish Bath Institute (James
   L Peterson, Propr)
[]] [] La Crosse, WI: S Front St (121): Turkish Bath Institute (Proprs:
  Mather & Hemrick)
[]] [] La Porte, IN: Michigan Ave / Jefferson Av: Stewart's Turkish Baths
   & Barbers
[]] [] Lawrence, MA: Prospect St (334): Dr Louis F Eidam's Turkish Baths
   Image above
[]] [] Lima, OH: Turkish Baths 1889
[]] [] Lincoln, NE: Commercial Hotel Turkish baths 1878—
[]] [] Lititz, PA: Lititz Springs Sanitarium: Turkish and Russian Baths 1908—
[]] [] Los Angeles, CA: 2nd St: Hammam Turkish Baths 1896
[]] [] Los Angeles, CA: W 3rd St (219): Metropolitan Barber Shop &
   Turkish Bath
[]] [] Los Angeles, CA: 4th/Hill St: Pacific Turkish Baths 1890—1928+
[]] [] Los Angeles, CA: E 4th St (132): Palace Turkish Baths 1906—
[]] [] Los Angeles, CA: W 7th St (431): Los Angeles Athletic Club 1912—1920
[]] [] Los Angeles, CA: Broadway: Hammam Turkish Baths c.1900
[]] [] Los Angeles, CA: Eastlake Sulphur Baths: Turkish Baths 1903
[]] [] Los Angeles, CA: Grace Street (812-820 Turkish Baths for women 1925
[]] [] Los Angeles, CA: Grand Ave: Biltmore [Hotel] Turkish Baths 1930s
[]] [] Los Angeles, CA: North Cahuenga Blvd (1769): Hollywood (fem.)
  Turkish Baths
[]] [] Los Angeles, CA: Redondo Beach Turkish Baths 1909—1941
[]] [] Los Angeles, CA: South Broadway (210): Turkish Baths 1899
[]] [] Los Angeles, CA: South Broadway (535): Ladies' Turkish Baths c.1900
[]] [] Los Angeles, CA: South Main St (124): The Hammam 1890
[]] [] Los Angeles, CA: South Main St (230): Turkish and Other Baths 1890, 1895
[]] [] Los Angeles, CA: South Hill St (449): Consol. Realty Bldg: Sultan
   Turkish Baths
1908, 1913
[]] [] Los Angeles, CA: Venice Beach: Main Street: Turkish Baths c.1910
[]] [] Louisville, KY: 4th St / W. Walnut St: Hotel Kenton Turkish Baths 1928
[]] [] Louisville, KY: W. Walnut St (408) Crescent Hotel Turkish Baths 1903 ?
[]] [] Louisville, KY: Galt House Turkish Bath 1869—1919
[]] []  Lowell, MA: E Merrimack St: Rex Turkish Baths —1960s
[]] [] Mansfield, OH: Mansfield Turkish Bath and Treatment Rooms
   (Marcellus Andre)
[]] [] Marshalltown, IA: Lincoln Hwy: Jensen's Tourist Inn & Sanitarium
   Turkish baths
[]] [] MARSHFIELd, OR: Broadway (293): Turkish Baths (Mrs M L Bliven)  
[]] [] Mason City, IA: 1st St NW /N Washington Ave:Turkish Bath &
   Treatment Parlor
[]] [] Meadville, PA: Trust Company Building: Turkish Bath Parlours 1910-ish
[]] [] Meriden, CO: Allen's Turkish, Roman, Sulphur, Plain and Swimming
[]] [] Meridou, CO: Easton's Turkish baths 1884
[]] [] Milwaukee, WI: E Wisconsin Avenue (424): Pfister Hotel Turkish
[]] [] Milwaukee, WI: Hotel Davidson Turkish Baths 1895
[]] [] Milwaukee, WI: Kaiser's Hair Bazaar and Turkish Baths c.1910
[]] [] Mineral Wells, TX: Pal-Pinto-Crystal-Wells 1909
[]] [] Minneapolis, MN: Andrews Hotel: Stark Turkish Baths 1912, 1932
[]] [] Minneapolis, MN: Metropolitan Building: Turkish Baths 1890—
[]] [] Mitchell, SD: Wade and Babcock Turkish Bath Rooms 1909
[]] [] Mitchell, SD: E 5th St (1112): Smith's Turkish Bath & Treatment 1923
[]] [] Moorhead, MN: 4th St South (13): Peter J Roberts, Turkish Baths 1915
[]] [] Nashville, TN: Deaderick St: (124-6) Charles Breyer's Russian &
    Turkish Baths
[]] [] New Haven, CO: Turkish Bath 1890s
[]] [] New Haven, CO: Yale University Gymnasium Turkish Bath 1890—1932
[]] [] New Haven, CO: Temple Street (152): Hotel Liberty Turkish Baths
[]] [] New London, CO: Union St (15-17) Clark's Turkish Bath 1918
[]] [] New Orleans, LA: Baronne St (123): Roosevelt Hotel Turkish Bath 1938
[]] [] New Orleans, LA: Bourbon St: Osborne Turkish Bath 1898
[]] [] New Orleans, LA: Canal St: Ladies' Turkish Bath 1925—1949
[]] [] New Orleans, LA: Canal St (1500): Jung Hotel Turkish Bath 1925—1943+
[]] [] New Orleans, LA: N Rampart St (222): New Orleans Athletic Club
   Turkish  Bath
[]] [] New Orleans, LA: St Charles Ave (211): St Charles Hotel Turkish
[]] [] New York City, NY: 2nd Ave (146): Emile Pisco's Russian and
   Turkish Baths
[]] [] New York City, NY: 3rd St (306): Fensterheim's Turkish Baths 1914
[]] [] New York City, NY: E 4th St (26): Browning's Russian and Turkish
1869, 1884
[]] [] New York City, NY: 5th Ave (146): Abel Easton's Turkish Baths 1881
[]] [] New York City, NY: 5th Ave / W 34th St: Waldorf-Astoria Turkish
1905, —1929
[]] [] New York City, NY: 14th St: New York Turkish Baths 1872, 1877
[]] [] New York City, NY: W 24th St (7): Imperial (later, Hollman House)
   Turkish Baths
[]] []
New York City, NY: W 26th St (41): Miller's Turkish, Electric, and
   Roman Baths
[]] [] New York City, NY: W 28th St (28): Men's Turkish Baths (Everard
[]] []
New York City, NY: W 42nd St (47): Fleischman's Turkish & Russian
1893, 1935
[]] [] New York City, NY: E 46th St (7): Windsor Arcade Ladies' Turkish
[]] [] New York City, NY: W 46th St (121): Luxor Baths Hotel: Turkish &
   Russian Baths
[]] [] New York City, NY: 59th St/6th Ave: New York Athletic Club 1898—
[]] [] New York City, NY: E 70th St (1904) / Lexington Ave: Turkish baths for
[]] [] New York City, NY: W 73rd St (253): Level Club (Masonic hotel):
   Turkish Baths
[]] [] New York City, NY: W79th St (164): Murray Hill Turkish Baths 1913
[]] [] New York City, NY: W124th St (46): Turkish Baths (Mayer) 1913
[]] [] New York City, NY: W125th St, Harlem: Frederick Hollender's Turkish
[]] [] New York City, NY: Broadway: Turkish, Russian and Greek Baths 1890s
[]] [] New York City, NY: Broadway: Woolworth building: Meffert Turkish
[]] [] New York City, NY: Broadway (6): Produce Exchange Turkish Baths 1913—1916
[]] [] New York City, NY: Broadway (842): Turkish Baths 1870
[]] [] New York City, NY: Broadway (1265-9): Herald Square Turkish
1892, 1908
[]] [] New York City, NY: Broadway (1514-16): Olympia Turkish Baths 1895—1915
[]] [] New York City, NY: Broadway (2109): Ansonia Hotel Turkish Baths 1904—1967
[]] [] New York City, NY: Broome Street / The Bowery: Easton's
   Gentlemen's Turkish baths
1882, 1884
[]] [] New York City, NY: Bushwick Avenue: St Catherine's Hospital
   Turkish Bath
[]] [] New York City, NY: Delancey St: Libby's Hotel and Russian-Turkish
[]] [] New York City, NY: Essex St (102): Abraham Levy's Turkish Baths 1896
[]] [] New York City, NY: Herald Square: McAlpin Hotel Turkish Baths 1912—1928+
[]] [] New York City, NY: Hester Street (21-23): Abraham Stern's Turkish
   & Russian Baths
[]] [] New York City, NY: Jay St (302): Turkish Baths 1884—1893
[]] [] New York City, NY: Lafayette Pl (188): Turkish Baths 1877—1918
[]] [] New York City, NY: Laight St: Hygienic Hotel and Baths Institute
   The first Victorian Turkish bath in Manhattan
[]] [] New York City, NY: Lee Ave: Turkish Baths (William Smyer, Fred
1893, 1911
[]] [] New York City, NY: Lennox Ave (27): St Nicholas Baths 1918
[]] [] New York City, NY: Lexington Ave (61): Dr Angell's Turkish Baths 1867—1887+
[]] [] New York City, NY: Madison Ave: Colony Club Turkish Baths 1907—
[]] [] New York City, NY: Madison Ave (335): Biltmore Hotel, Biltmore
[]] [] New York City, NY: Smith St, Burham's Academy of Physical Culture
   Turkish Bath
[]] [] New York City, NY: Manitoba Hotel Turkish Baths 1896
[]] [] New York City, NY: Pennsylvania Hotel Turkish Baths 1919—1940s
[]] [] New York City, NY: Brooklyn: 46th St, Turkish Baths
   Destroyed in the Windsor Hotel fire
[]] [] New York City, NY: Brooklyn: E New York Ave (1387), Shumer's
   Turkish Baths
[]] [] New York City, NY: Brooklyn: W115th St (135), Turkish Baths
   (Morris Somach)
[]] [] New York City, NY: Brooklyn: Clark St (51) Hotel St George Turkish
[]] [] New York City, NY: Brooklyn: Clinton St (32): Brooklyn Turkish
   Bath Co
[]] [] New York City, NY: Brooklyn: Columbia St (63) Dr Shepard's Turkish
   The first Victorian Turkish bath in the USA
[]] [] New York City, NY: Brooklyn: Court St (177): Turkish Baths 1867—
[]] [] Newark, OH: Turkish Baths for Ladies 1886
[]] [] Norfolk, VA: Atlantic St (55): Turkish Baths and Rooms 1902,1910
[]] [] Olean, NY: Turkish baths 1885
[]] [] Omaha, NE: Farnam St (1424) Turkish baths (J F Faux) 1890
[]] [] Omaha, NE: Dr Dinsmoor's Sanitarium Turkish baths 1878?, 1882
[]] [] Omaha, NE: Hotel Sanford Turkish baths 1920s
[]] [] Omaha, NE: Iler Grand Hotel: European Plan Turkish baths 1901
[]] [] Oshkosh, WI: Main Street: Turkish Baths 1860s—1875
[]] [] Parkersburg, WV: Herschel's Turkish-Russian Baths 1907
[]] [] Paterson, NJ: Charles Haeberle's Turkish baths -1907—1940s
[]] [] Paterson, NJ: Church Street (45): Luxor Turkish baths 1907
[]] [] Peoria, IL: Main Street (319): Peoria Turkish baths -1911—1956+
[]] [] Philadelphia, PA: S 3rd St (511-3):Weiner's Turkish baths 1910-ish
[]] [] Philadelphia, PA: N 7th St (973): Bershad's New Turkish & Russian
[]] [] Philadelphia, PA: N 10th St/Filbert St, The Bathurst Hotel 1898
[]] [] Philadelphia, PA: 12th St: Turkish Baths 1905—1970s
[]] [] Philadelphia, PA: N Oregon (406): Turkish baths 1918
[]] [] Philadelphia, PA: Camac St/Walnut St: Camac Turkish Baths 1920—1970s
[]] [] Philadelphia, PA: Chestnut St (1330) ?: Turkish Baths
[]] [] Philadelphia, PA: Chestnut St (1820) ?: Turkish Baths 1885
[]] [] Philadelphia, PA: S Broad St/Walnut St: Bellevue-Stratford Hotel
   Turkish Baths
[]] [] Philadelphia, PA: Walnut S (1104): Turkish and Russian Baths 1891—1930s
[]] [] Pittsburgh, PA: Diamond St (80): Thompson & Black Turkish Baths 1878
[]] [] Pittsburgh, PA: Duquesne Way / N 6th Ave): Pittsburgh Natatorium early 1900s
[]] [] Pittsburgh, PA: Forbes St / Meyran Av): Oakland Turkish bath &
   swimming pool
[]] [] Pittsburgh, PA: Liberty Ave (937): Schume Turkish Baths 1900
[]] [] Pittsburgh, PA: Natalie Ave/ University Club Turkish baths 1927
[]] [] Pittsburgh, PA: Penn Ave (438): Turkish Baths (Frederick F Frank) 1885
[]] [] Pittsburgh, PA: Penn Ave (6017): Turkish Baths (Victor) 1913
[]] [] Pittsburgh, PA: Smithfield St (116): Turkish Baths 1881
[]] [] Pittsburgh, PA: Wood St (543): Turkish Baths (B P Wells, MD) 1885
[]] [] Portland, OR: N W Everett (707): Golden West Hotel Turkish Baths 1905-1929
[]] [] Portland, OR: Dr Torea's Turkish Baths 1888
[]] [] Postville, IA: Parker's Barber Shop, John Moir's Turkish Baths 1887
[]] [] Prairie du Chien, IA: Turkish Baths 1887
[]] [] Providence, RI: Aborn St (9): Sanitary Gymnasium, Russian &
   Turkish Baths
1890, 1913
[]] [] Providence, RI: Aborn St (24): Aborn St Turkish Baths (Whiteley &
1909, 1913
[]] [] Providence, RI: Chalkstone (285): Turkish Baths (Isaak Krause) 1895
[]] [] PUEBLO, CO: Hotel Congress Turkish Baths  
[]] [] Quincy, IL: Jersey Street (514) 1902—1909
[]] [] Racine, WI: Main Street (245): Turkish Baths
[]] [] Richmond, VA: Jefferson Turkish Baths 1895—1903+
[]] [] Rochester, NY: Chestnut St (50): Columbus Club Turkish Baths 1929
[]] [] Rochester, NY: N Fitzhaugh St (14): A F Nisbet Turkish Bath 1883—1894
[]] [] Rochester, NY: N Fitzhaugh St (44-46): New Turkish Bath Hotel 1910, 1920
[]] [] Rochester, NY: State St (59 & 61): Turkish Baths (Chas S Hussey) 1870, 1875
[]] [] Saginaw, MI: N Hamilton (208): Turkish, Russian and Roman Baths
   (JC John)
[]] [] Salt Lake City, ut: Turkish Baths 1870—
[]] [] Salt Lake City, ut: Turkish Baths (Marrier Brothers) 1884
[]] [] Salt Lake City, ut: E 3rd South Street (125): Manitou Turkish
   Baths (A H Park)
1893, 1903
[]] [] Salt Lake City, ut: W 3rd South Street (52): The Sanitarium
   Turkish Baths
[]] [] Salt Lake City, ut: W 3rd South Street (127): Hamilton Hotel
   Turkish Baths
[]] [] San Diego, CA: 4th St: Turkish Baths c.1910
[]] [] San Diego, CA: Horton Plaza: Cabrillo Turkish Baths 193s
[]] [] San Diego, CA: San Diego Club: Lurline Massage Institute Turkish
[]] [] San Diego, CA: U S Grant Hotel: Turkish Baths 1910—1915
[]] [] San Francisco, CA: Bush St/Larkin St: Turkish Baths (Men only)
[]] [] San Francisco, CA: Ellis St (229): Turkish Baths (Men only; latterly
[]] [] San Francisco, CA: Dupont St (11): The Hammam: Turkish & Medical Baths
   (Loryea & Trask)
1875, 1893
[]] [] San Francisco, CA: Market St (957): The Empress Turkish Baths 1913
[]] [] San Francisco, CA: Mason St (130) Oriental Turkish Baths
   (W J Blumberg & Bro)
[]] [] San Francisco, CA: Montgomery St (722): Russian & Turkish Baths
   (A Alers)
[]] [] San Francisco, CA: Pacific St (524): Turkish & Russian Baths
   (Frederick Zeile)
[]] [] San Francisco, CA: Post St (222): The Post Street Turkish Baths
   (A Johnson)
1894, 1912
[]] [] San Francisco, CA: Post St (624): Sultan Turkish Baths 1905—1928
[]] [] San Francisco, CA: Union Square: St Francis Hotel Turkish Baths 1917—1940
[]] [] San Francisco, CA: Calvin Huyett's Turkish Baths
    Destroyed in 'quake
[]] [] SanTA roSA, CA: Fourth Street (115): Jacobs Building: Turkish Baths 1924
[]] [] Saratoga Springs, NY: S Broadway (99): Washington Bath House -1900—1917
[]] [] Saratoga Springs, NY: Dr Strong's Sanitarium Turkish Baths 1860s, 1913
[]] [] SCHENECTADY, NY: Centre Street: Mohawk Hotel Turkish Baths 1900s
[]] [] Seattle, WA: 1st Ave / Yesler Way: Turkish Baths (Herbert L Clark) 1901
[]] [] Seattle, WA: 2nd Ave: Turkish Baths 1910
[]] [] Seattle, WA: 3rd Ave (622): Rainier Turkish Baths (Joseph C Gavin) 1901
[]] [] Seattle, WA: Columbia St (218½): Turkish Baths (Mrs Jennie Edgar) 1901
[]] [] Seattle, WA: James St/2nd Ave: Elk Hammam Turkish Baths (Isaac
   N Hooper)
[]] [] Seattle, WA: Moore Theatre Building: Turkish Baths 1910—
[]] [] Seattle, WA: Occidental Ave: Hotel Tourist Turkish Baths 1909, 1911
[]] [] Seattle, WA: Pioneer Square Turkish Baths 1890s, 1910
[]] [] South Hill, VA: Stevens Point Turkish Baths 1877
[]] [] Sparta, WI: Sparta Turkish Bath Institute 1874
[]] [] Spokane, WA: Coeur d'Alene Hotel (?): Turkish Baths 1894—
[]] [] Spokane, WA: Mill St (112): Hammam, Turkish and Russian Baths 1893
[]] [] Spokane, WA: W Riverside Ave (112): Turkish Baths (Fred & Lydia
[]] [] Springfield, IL: Pierik Bldg: Turkish Bath Parlors (John E Jackson,
[]] [] Springfield, MA: Cooley House: D F Sweeney's Turkish & Russian
[]] [] Springfield, MA: Court Street: Springfield Turkish Baths (E E Pratt) 1880s
[]] [] St Augustine, FA: Alcazar Hotel Turkish Bath 1888—1931
[]] [] St Augustine, FA: Hotel Ponce de Leon Turkish Bath 1889—1890
[]] [] St Louis, MO: Grand Ave/Franklin Ave: Vista Turkish Bath House 1902
[]] [] St Louis, MO: Lucas Ave/N 4th St (705): Belcher Water Bath and
1908, 1934
[]] [] St Louis, MO: North Seventh St (311): Dr Adams Turkish Bath House 1873—
[]] [] St Louis, MO: Washington Ave (405): Missouri Athletic Club: Turkish
[]] [] St Louis, MO: Washington Ave (1603): Dr Adams Turkish Bath House 1869—1874
[]] [] St Paul, MN: W 3rd St (76): S E Hyndman's Turkish and Electro-
   Medical Baths
1874, 1876
[]] [] St Petersburg, FA: The Spa Turkish Bath 1920s
[]] [] Syracuse, NY: YMCA Turkish Baths (William M'Clements) 1919
[]] [] Syracuse, NY: E Jefferson St (208): La Concha Turkish Baths 1893, 1894
[]] [] Syracuse, NY: Market St (117): Turkish Baths 1924
[]] [] Syracuse, NY: N Salina St (717): Charles Simone's Turkish Baths 1942
[]] [] Takoma, WA: Pacific Ave (1130): Tacoma Turkish Baths 1890s—1920s
[]] [] Terre Haute, IN: N 10½ St (207): Exchange Artesian Springs & Bath
[]] [] Toledo, OH: Superior St (216): Turkish Baths (Patrick O'Callaghan) 1887, 1902
[]] [] Toledo, OH: Widell Hotel and Turkish Baths 1905
[]] [] Trenton, NJ: S Warren Street (623): Anna Taub Russian-Turkish
[]] [] Utica, NY: Blandina St (17): Turkish Baths (William M'Clements) 1893
[]] [] Valdes, AK: Turkish Bath 1915
[]] [] VENICE, CA: Windward Avenue: Turkish Bath 1914
[]] [] Waco, TX: Natatorium Hotel Turkish Baths (European plan) 1913
[]] [] Wallingford, CO: Wallingford Turkish Bath 1875
[]] [] Warren, PA: Hickory Street: Turkish Baths 1905
[]] [] Washington, DC: 15th Street / G St: Riggs Lafayette Baths 1924
[]] [] Washington, DC: G Street NW (1329): Turkish Bath Rooms 1895, 1900s
[]] [] Washington, DC: G Street NW (1829): Turkish Baths (Propr: John
   N Bovee)
[]] [] Washington, DC: Connecticut Ave (1122): Turkish Baths (Propr:
   Mary E Buckley)
1901, 1906
[]] [] Washington, DC: East Street (903): Turkish Baths (Merwin Shedd &
   Mrs Shedd)
1872, 1902
[]] [] Washington, DC: Grand Union Station Turkish Baths 1908—1987
[]] [] Washington, DC: Lafayette Sq: Turkish Baths 1901, 1906
[]] [] Washington, DC: Rowland's Turkish Bath 1907
[]] [] Waterbury, CO: Turkish Bath (Propr: WG Schlegel)
   Destroyed in city fire 2 Feb
[]] [] Waterloo, IA: Waterloo Sulphur and Turkish Baths 1942
[]] [] Watertown, NY: State St (22): Meyer & Gibson Turkish Baths 1904
[]] [] Watertown, WI: Cady Street Bridge: C A Hascall's Turkish Baths 1876
[]] [] Watertown, WI: N 2nd St: George Zoelle's Turkish Baths 1903—1942
[]] [] Wausau, WI: Hotel Bellis Turkish Baths 1908
[]] [] Webster Springs, WV: Webster Springs Hotel Turkish Baths 1897—1925
[]] [] Wheeler, OH: Turkish Baths 1903—
[]] [] Wheeling, WV: S Eoff St (3327-3331): Haskins Hospital Turkish Baths 1900—1915
[]] [] Wheeling, WV: Main St (1147): Turkish Baths c.1907
[]] [] Wilkes Barre, PA: N Washington St (57): Purcell's Russian & Turkish
[]] [] Wilkes Barre, PA: Alexander Schwarz's Russian and Turkish Baths 1890—1892+
[]] [] Worcester, MA: Pearl St (22): Turkish Baths 1880s
[]] [] Worcester, MA: Sudbury St (1): Jensen’s Turkish, Russian, Roman
1896, 1908
Thank you icon

Cecelia Downing; Donna Goldthwaite; Barbara Harrison; Maggie Humberston;
Patrick Leary; Jack Neely; Dace Taube; Jeffrey Wollock

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Victorian Turkish Baths: their origin, development, and gradual decline

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©  Malcolm Shifrin, 1991-2025