Better than milk:
a verse from Missouri

This is a single frame, printer-friendly page taken from Malcolm Shifrin's website
Victorian Turkish Baths: their origin, development, and gradual decline

Visit the original page to see it complete—with images, notes, and chronologies

Original page

A verse from St Louis, Missouri

Several books on Turkish baths, like Sir John Fife's Manual of the Turkish bath and many of the pamphlets advertising the bath, were compilations of articles and excerpts previously published elsewhere. One of the most appealing is Turkish bath hand book, edited and compiled by Dr George F Adams in 1881.

One of the most amusing pieces—a Shakespearean parody describing a visit made by some of his most famous characters to a Victorian Turkish bath—is already on the website. We now add an anonymous and inconsequential little verse, used by Adams as a space-filler.


The original page includes an image

Dr Geo. F. Adams

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Victorian Turkish Baths: their origin, development, and gradual decline

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