Ammunition store discovered in Irish Turkish bath

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Victorian Turkish Baths: their origin, development, and gradual decline

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The secret of an unidentified Turkish bath in Cork

It is not possible to determine which Turkish bath in Cork is referred to in this intriguing cutting from the 5 August 1870 issue of the Illustrated Berwick Journal.

Ammunition cutting

Ardruanagh Passage is absent from current Google maps, and the nearby road is not named. But we can hgazard a guess. Of the six Turkish baths in Cork listed in the Victorian Turkish Baths website, five had either not yet opened or were opened earlier and still in operation in 1870.

The only one which had closed by 1870 was the one at 30-31 Blarney Lane. This was opened in 1861 by Mr Joseph Hegarty, and was called City View Turkish Baths, but no further mention of it has so far been found after 1863

If you can add to this—or even correct it—please let us know.

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Victorian Turkish Baths: their origin, development, and gradual decline

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