Carlisle: James Street:
the hot rooms

View from caldarium to laconicum
< Photo: courtesy Lindsay Kelso

A view from the entrance of the Caldarium (second hottest room), up the Terrazzo stairs into the Laconicum (the hottest room).

< Photo: courtesy "Bovine" 28 Days Later

The walls of the Caldarium, like those of all the hot rooms, would originally have been of glazed white brick. The sauna-style wall cladding seen here will most probably have been used as a relatively inexpensive way of covering, rather than replacing, damaged brickwork.

< Photo: courtesy "Bovine" 28 Days Later

The seating in the Laconicum would originally have been an unboxed marble slab.

The hot air enters enters the room upwards, directly from a triangular duct placed between the brick seat back and the wall. It then passes through to the other hot rooms and the cooling-room, the air cooling as it goes.

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"Bovine" for permission to use his photographs

Lindsay Kelso for permission to use his photograph

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