The Roman Baths:
Cambridge: Jesus Lane

Façade Façade, c.1935

                Façade                                                             Façade, c.1935

Façade, 2004 Façade, 2004: detail

                               Façade, 2004                                      Façade, 2004: detail

< Top row: The University Pitt Club, 1835-1935 / Walter Morley Fletcher. — Cambridge : CUP, 1935
< Lower row photos: Shifrin

This fine 1863 building was designed for the Roman Bath Company by Sir Matthew Digby Wyatt. When the baths closed, Wyatt ended up owning the building. After some alterations and dividing it into two separate areas, he let one part to the University Pitt Club, and the remainder to Orme's Billiard Rooms.

This page enlarges an image or adds to the information found below:

The Roman Baths, Cambridge. Part 2: The Company

The Roman Baths, Cambridge. Part 3: The Baths

Roman bath or Turkish bath?

Heritaging the Victorian Turkish bath: creating a saleable asset

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Victorian Turkish Baths: their origin, development, and gradual decline

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