Pool's Turkish Baths in Merthyr Tydfil

Pool's Turkish Baths in Merthyr Tydfil
< The County Borough of Merthyr Tydfil / Carolyn Jacob, Stephen Dare, and Simon Eckley (Stroud: Alan Sutton, 1994)

Pool's Turkish Baths in Merthyr Tydfil

It is interesting to compare the amount of advertising which Pool has added to the exterior of the building with that on an earlier sketch made while the baths were being run by their original proprietor.

This page enlarges an image or adds to the information found below:

Merthyr Turkish Baths

Women and the Victorian Turkish bath. Part 3: Women and the first baths

Heritaging the Victorian Turkish bath. 4: styling the bath

Victorian Turkish baths in Wales

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Victorian Turkish Baths: their origin, development, and gradual decline

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