Plan and cross-section of the London Hammam

Cross-section and ground floor plan of the London Hammam
< On the art of constructing Turkish baths, and their economy as a means of cleanliness / David Urquhart (Trounce, 1862) Reprinted from: Journal of the Society of Arts (28 Feb 1862)

Section through, and floor plan of, David Urquhart's London Hammam built by the London & Provincial Turkish Bath Co Ltd and opened in 1862

The rooms on the upper floors of the original building, on Jermyn Street to the right of the plan, were converted into offices, and rooms for letting which were known as the Chambers. The Turkish bath was built to the rear in the area formerly occupied by the stables.

This page enlarges an image or adds to the information found below:

London: 76 Jermyn Street: The Hammam. Part 1: Building the Hammam

Urquhart and the London Hammam. Part 5: Urquhart's rôle and remuneration

Early problems and controversies. Part 2: technology and attitudes

Mrs Doggett asks for more

Performance in the raw. Part 2: Urquhart's performance

Sexual activities in the Jermyn Street Hammam. 3: A case study in queer history

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Victorian Turkish Baths: their origin, development, and gradual decline

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