Sansome Walk Baths, Worcester:
in the 1880s and the early 1900s

Sansome Walk Baths, c.1877 after Bartholomew's extensions
< Illustrated guide to the Turkish baths / Charles Bartholomew (Marshall Brothers, 1887)

Sansome Walk Baths, c.1877 after Charles Bartholomew's extensions.

< Photograph in the collection of Leonard Park

Sansome Walk Baths, c.1910, during the period of William Park's ownership.

Compare the cut (upper image) with the photograph (lower image) of the same building, taken c.1910, when it was owned by William Park. We know that Bartholomew was muxh prone to exaggeration so—because we do not have photographs of all his establishments—it is most helpful to be able to compare these pictures and find that there is such a close correspondence.

Thank you icon

Leonard Park for his kindness, and for allowing us to use of his photograph

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The Sansome Walk Baths, Worcester

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Victorian Turkish Baths: their origin, development, and gradual decline

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