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Victorian Turkish Baths: their origin, development, and gradual decline
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As handwriting is often unclear,
all name transcriptions below are indicative only.
When accuracy is important, the original documents should be consulted.
PRO (Public Record Office) documents are at The National Archives, Kew.
An article on the Savoy Turkish Baths, Savoy Hill, London will appear in due course.
The establishment stayed open until at least 1921, by which time it was part of a small chain, eventually to become part of Nevill's.
Situated in the middle of theatreland and right next to the Savoy, it is interesting to note that George Grossmith, François Cellier, and Rutland Barrington (all involved in the Gilbert and Sullivan operas at the Savoy), Samuel French (leading publisher of plays), George Edwardes and Michael Gunn (managers of theatres in the vicinity), and Charles Phipps (architect of the baths and recognised authority on theatre construction) were all shareholders, most of whom remained investors until the company was dissolved. It seems safe to surmise that they, in common with many lesser names in the theatre world, were also regular patrons.
The Savoy was the first theatre in London to be lit by electricity, and the Savoy Turkish baths were, likewise, the first in London to be so lit.
TNA: PRO: BT31 3253/19102 All unfootnoted information is taken from this file.
1883 Company registered: 30 November
Objects of the company included:
'to acquire the lease of the whole or of any part of the basement of Lancaster House, Savoy Street'
Secretary: Edward Charles Bainbridge
Capital: £15,000 divided into 7,500 shares of £2
Bainbridge, Edward Charles (1 share)
Bainbridge, George Frederick (1 share) Gentleman (Dir)
Bruce, Robert (1 share) Retired Major (Dir)
Clement-Smith, C N (1 share) Art publisher (Dir)
Gunn, Michael (1 share) Theatre manager (Dir)
Helby, James Thomas (1 share) Gentleman (Dir)
Pike, Charles William (1 share)
Thompson, James Coulthred (1 share) Gentleman (Dir)
Registered Office: Lancaster Mansions (formerly Lancaster House, Savoy Street), Savoy Hill, Strand.
Secretary: W S Austin
1885 Shareholders included:
Bealby, Richard Cowper (10 shares) Collector
Cellier, François Arsène (5 shares) Musical Director
Edwardes, George Joseph (100 shares) Acting Manager
French, Samuel (50 shares) Publisher [of plays]
Garland, Thomas Henry (10 shares) Mgr Lancaster House
Grossmith, George (10 shares) Actor
Gunn, Michael (108 shares) Theatre Manager
Moore, C Harrington (100 shares) Solicitor
Phipps, Charles John (50 shares) Architect
Romano, Alphonse (12 shares) Restaurant keeper (399 Strand)
Shield, George (50 shares) Proprietor of Lord Palmerston Hotel
Williang, James, Jnr (25 shares) Advertising contractor
and 41 others holding 1,950 shares between them
Advertisement in theatre programme, 1886
1889 Shareholders by now also included:
Barrington, Rutland (10 shares) Actor
1891 Shareholders still included:
Barrington, Rutland (10 shares) Actor
Cellier, François Arsène (5 shares)
Edwardes, George Joseph (100 shares) (Mgr. of Gaity Theatre)
Grossmith, George (10 shares)
Gunn, Michael (108 shares)
Moore, C Harrington (100 shares)
Phipps, Charles John (50 shares)
Romano, Alphonse (12 shares)
No returns were filed after 1891, when the Turkish Baths were sold to Edmund Tyrrell
1892 '...on or about 26th April 1892 a receiving order was made against this company by Mr Justice Chitty,' after which the company ceased trading. Receiver: Richard Chadwick.
Judgement made on 17 December 1892 'giving the Debenture holders power to apply for a Sale of the property for the repayment of these principal money and interest.'
1894 Dissolved under Clause 7(4): 22 June
This page last updated 04 November 2018
© Malcolm Shifrin, 1991-2023