Nottingham Turkish Baths Company Limited (1861)

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Nottingham Turkish Baths Company Limited (1861)
Company baths: None

As handwriting is often unclear, all name transcriptions below are indicative only.
When accuracy is important, the original documents should be consulted.
PRO (Public Record Office) documents are at The National Archives, Kew.

Although this company 'never proceeded to business', two of its subscribers, the surgeon John Adams Bolton and an architect Francis Edwin Drake, were responsible a year later for successfully rebuilding the unsatisfactory first Turkish bath which had been installed at the Newcastle-on-Tyne Infirmary.

TNA: PRO: BT31 576/2382 All unfootnoted information is taken from this file.

1861 Memorandum of Association: 17 August
Objects include: 'The establishment and construction of Anglo, Roman, Turkish, or hot air Baths as well as medicated vapour, steam, Douche and hot and cold water Baths...'
Capital: £5,000 divided into 1,000 shares of £5
Registered Office: Wheeler Gate
Subscribers include:
Bourne, Richard Carmichael (10 shares) Surgeon
Berenhard, Louis (10 shares) Merchant
Bolton, John Adams, of Leicester (Surgeon)
Chapman, William (10 shares) Sharebroker
Drake, Francis Edwin (10 shares) Architect
Parsons, William (10 shares) Solicitor
Patterson, William Archibald (10 shares) Silk merchant
Walker, George Alfred (10 shares) Gentleman

1862 Shareholders: 35, holding 500 shares

1882 No returns were filed between the years 1863-1882
Dissolved under Clause 7(4): 7 March

This page last updated 04 November 2018


Victorian Turkish Baths: their origin, development, and gradual decline

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