Urquhart's Riverside Turkish bath, near Rickmansworth

Riverside Turkish bath
< Manual of the Turkish bath: heat a mode of cure...from the writings of Mr Urquhart; edited by Sir John Fife (London: John Churchill, 1865)

Urquhart's famous Turkish bath at Riverside House, his home at Moneyhill, Rickmansworth.

Fife, in his Manual, used the printing block which had earlier been used in Erasmus Wilson's The Eastern, or Turkish bath.

This page enlarges an image or adds to the information found below:

The death of William Urquhart

The Urquharts' Riverside bath

Urquhart and the London Hammam. Part 3: the class barrier

David and Harriet Urquhart: a team

Performance in the raw. Part 4: the ritual of the towels

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Victorian Turkish Baths: their origin, development, and gradual decline

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