A bunch of baths books:
some of the better books on baths
published during the life of this website

This is a single frame, printer-friendly page taken from Malcolm Shifrin's website
Victorian Turkish Baths: their origin, development, and gradual decline
Visit the original page to see it complete—with its chronologies and notes

Original page
1913: Design of the Turkish bath / Cosgrave     2003: Turkish baths / Yılmazkaya
2004: Cathedrals of the flesh / Brue     You are here
2005: Hammams / Meunier     2006: Water is best / Durie
2010: Hammaming in the Sham / Boggs

Restoring Manchester's 'Water Palace'

Manchester Baths

While campaigning to save the Baths, the Friends of Victoria Baths researched its history. This book is the result, relating how the baths were conceived, their construction in the years 1903-6, and their use over a period of 87 years.

The richest information source has been the memories of the people who swam, bathed, danced and worked there during that time. They shared their memories, and the resulting book adds much to the social and architectural history of a great industrial city.

Gill Wright, project Manager of the Victoria Baths, tells of the campaign to save the baths, and Restoration presenter, Griff Rhys Jones, provides a foreword.

Williams, Prue Victoria Baths: Manchester's Water Palace (Spire, 2004)

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Victorian Turkish Baths: their origin, development, and gradual decline

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