Dr Barter's Turkish bath for cattle

Dr Barter's Turkish bath for cattle
< Image: The Irish Farmers' Gazette

Plan of a Turkish bath for cattle

The image is reprinted from: Wade, Robert C 'Report of the committee appointed to inquire into the utility of the Turkish bath, erected by Dr Barter, at Saint Ann's, Blarney, for the cure of distemper in cattle' Edinburgh Veterinary Review (vol.2; no.8 ; Oct.1860)

This page enlarges an image or adds to the information found below:

Sources for a history. Part 8: Turkish baths for special needs

Early Turkish baths for animals

London's first Victorian Turkish bath. Part 2: The first Turkish baths

How animals came to have Turkish baths

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Victorian Turkish Baths: their origin, development, and gradual decline

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©  Malcolm Shifrin, 1991-2023