Sake Deen Mahomed, 1749-1851

Sake Deen Mahomed, 1749-1851

< Image courtesy of Brighton & Hove Libraries

1749 Born in Patna, Hindustan
1786 Came to Brighton from Cork;
opened a shampooing and vapour bath business;
Shampoo Surgeon to Prince of Wales;
his shampooing was a system of massage in conjunction with highly scented vapour baths;
arranged baths in Royal Pavilion.
1822 First edition of Shampooing published
1826 Second edition published
1830 Opened premises at 7 Ryder Street, London
1838 Third edition of Shampooing published
1843 Retired from business
1851 Died 24 February

Mahomed dedicated the first edition of his book Shampooing to his most eminent client, King George IV :

To the King's Most Excellent Majesty, in testimony of devoted respect, the following sheets are humbly inscribed, by His Majesty's most dutiful and truly obedient subject and servant,
        Sake Deen Mahomed     Brighton     1st February 1823

Entry revised and slightly enlarged, 27 March 2010

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