Part of a letter from Joseph Foden, 9 June 1860

Part of a letter from Joseph Foden
< Letter: Balliol College, Oxford: Urquhart Bequest Box 9: I:14 Pt.2

Part of a letter from Joseph Foden to John Johnson, with two pages on the Turkish Treaty, and two on a new Turkish bath visited in Stockport, 9 June 1860

The text of the last part of the section on the Turkish Treaty, on the left-hand sheet, above the plan of the Turkish bath, reads:

… two letters and one of the petitions
should have reached their destination
in safety whilst the petition to
the Lords should have miscarried.   J.F.

The text of part of the section on the Turkish bath at Stockport, with figures referring to the plan, on the other sheet, reads:

1 and 4, all glass above about 4 feet.
No.4 is the cooling-room, well fit
up, has 8 or 9 couches in it, it’s about
15 feet high and lighted from the
top. 5 is a passage leading to the
furnace &c. 6 is the warm room.
No.7 is the hot air room three times
the size of Dalton’s, has a broad
bench at each end and another
in the middle, the floor has a
canvas sheet on and not having flues
underneath as Dalton’s you can walk
about the room without pattens, not
and not burn your feet. Then the
atmosphere is pure, the air is
conveyed by a pipe from a lane
at the back of the building over the
furnace and up into the room in the
corner (8). 9 is the washing room…

This page enlarges an image or adds to the information found below:

The Victorian Turkish Bath Movement. Pt 4: Urquhart's  Committees & their baths

Urquhart and the London Hammam. Part 1: introduction

A working class movement

Heritaging the Victorian Turkish bath: creating a saleable asset

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Victorian Turkish Baths: their origin, development, and gradual decline

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