Al Salsila, Damascus, Syria

Hot room at Al Salsila, Damascus, Syria
< Hammams: Les bains magiciens / Pascal Meunier et Samara Boustani avec des textes de Maud Tyckaert. — Paris : Dakota, 2000

In the hot rooms of an Islamic hammam, the hot air combines with the water in the washing bowl to create vapour.

In the Victorian Turkish bath an attempt was made to separate the washing facilities from the hot rooms in order to keep the hot air as dry as possible.

Entry revised, 21 March 2010

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Pascal Meunier, for permission to use his photo. For more, see his beautiful website

This page enlarges an image or adds to the information found below:

Early Turkish baths for animals

The Victorian Turkish Bath Movement. Part 2: Urquhart, Barter, and St Ann's

The Turkish bath as a facility

Heritaging the Victorian Turkish bath: creating a saleable asset

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Victorian Turkish Baths: their origin, development, and gradual decline

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