The Victoria Hotel and Baths, Glenbrook, Co.Cork, Ireland

Victoria Hotel and Baths, Glenbrook , Co.Cork, Ireland
< Detail from a photo in the Lawrence Collection (R 3555): Courtesy the National Library of Ireland

In 1861, local historian Charles Bernard Gibson wrote that, ‘Viewed from the river, [the baths] remind the traveller of a Turkish temple on the Bosphorus.’ Hardly—though orientalism was still awaiting Edward Said for its modern interpretation.

And if the Irish painter John E Bosanquet was no Ingres, he too seems guilty of a certain romanticism in his painting of the hotel (Figs 20.5 and 20.6) if we compare it with a photograph of the baths taken around the same time. The baths are in the building with the four cupolas on the left.

This page adds an image of the Victoria Hotel and Baths
in Glenbrook, Co.Cork, Ireland,
mentioned on page 213 of my book
Victorian Turkish Baths
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by Malcolm Shifrin

Published 2015
by Historic England
in partnership with Liverpool University Press
Distributed in the US by Oxford University Press
ISBN: 978-1-84802-230-0

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has been asserted by him in accordance with the
Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988

©  Malcolm Shifrin, 2015-2023